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Paying the Price
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Paying the Price
by Julia P. Lynde
Table of Contents
A Ship Tour
Testing Limits
Men O' War
The Collar
The Trial
My Piece
One Year Later
I struggled with my captors as they carried me swiftly through the streets of Darlor, the capital city of Norinia, but my struggles were ineffective. They had come out of nowhere, using stun stones to incapacitate me and my two bodyguards. The kidnappers had actually been gentle about it, catching the three of us before we'd fallen to the hard cobblestones and then dragging us down a dark alley and into a back door. I had watched helplessly as they had then used sleepy darts on both my bodyguards. I hadn't begun to shake the effects of the stun stone before they'd had slipped a magic block amulet over my neck then had me trussed, gagged, blindfolded, and tossed into a rough leather sack.
My captors had been silent the entire time, speaking not a single word. As soon as I'd could, I had tried to raise a lot of noise, but it was late, and so far I hadn't heard any indication anyone had noticed the small woman sized bundle that was struggling and making noises as it was carried by several sets of arms.
I tried to escape from the bonds they had used on my arms and legs, but they didn't budge. They may have been magicked. If so, I wouldn't be able to release myself short of the spell wearing off or being immersed in salt water. Or, of course, released by whoever had cast the original spell. The blindfold and the gag were equally impossible to remove.
The amulet prevented me from using my magic or I could have been free very quickly.
The sounds changed as they carried me, and I realized we were drawing closer to the harbor. I renewed my struggles, which was rewarded when they dropped me. It hurt. Without a word, they picked me back up and continued our trek.
Then their footsteps changed. Instead of cobblestones, they were walking swiftly across wood. I realized we were on one of the piers. I couldn't let them take me onto a ship! I couldn't! If we made it out to sea, my sister would never know what had happened to me. She wouldn't know where to search for me.
I struggled and yelled, the sounds muffled by the gag, and the struggles limited to wild squirming, and wondered where the guards were that patrolled the docks. Then they took a turn to the right and the sound changed again. They were carrying me up a gangplank.
Then I knew, just knew, they had carried me somewhere below decks.
I was so screwed, but if they wanted me dead, I would be dead. Ransom? I don't think Linara would actually pay it. Instead, she'd hunt for the kidnappers and destroy them. The land of Norinia knew me. The land would tell Linara where I was.
The land knew its princess.
But not if I were at sea. The seas belonged to no one, and the sea didn't know me.
The men carrying me set me down. They were even gentle about it. It felt soft under me, like perhaps I was on a bed.
I continued to struggle but was pushed down onto the bed, then I felt ropes or a net of some sort pulled over me. After that, the people carrying me left and I heard a door close.
I struggled for a long time after that. The bonds were definitely magicked, as were both the blindfold and the gag. I'd have been able to remove them otherwise. I tried to crawl off the bed I was on, but the net pulled over me kept me more or less in place.
Then I heard the sounds of a ship coming to life. I heard clanging and feet on the deck above me. Then the world shifted, and I knew were were pulling slowly away from the pier.
I truly began to panic. "No," I tried screaming through the gag. "No!"
Eventually, my throat raw from screaming, weak from struggling, and dank with sweat and fear, I slept.
I woke sometime later when the door to my cell opened. From the movements, I could tell immediately we were well at sea.
I was so screwed.
Still, I immediately renewed my screaming and struggles. I felt someone sit down on the bed next to me and put a hand on my hip.
"Don't touch me!" I tried to yell into the gag. Of course, it came out as muffled and unintelligible, even to my own ears. I screamed and screamed into the gag and tried to kick whoever it was with me.
"If you calm down, we can have an intelligent conversation," someone said in accented Norinian. It sounded like a woman's voice.
"Piss off!" I yelled, still trying ineffectively to kick my captor. I struggled and screamed for some time before she rose from the bed.
"I will return later," she said.
"Piss off, bitch!" I yelled. Or tried to yell.
* * *
They left me alone for some time. I couldn't have told you how long. It was hot in the sack. I was thirsty and really needed to relieve myself, but I wouldn't give them the joy of seeing me wet myself. The door opened and someone sat on the bed next to me again.
"Are you ready to talk calmly?" she asked in her odd accent.
She was Tendarian.
I was so screwed.
I didn't answer her.
"I will take your silence as 'yes'," she said. She got off the bed and I felt the net holding me down released slowly. Several people had applied it earlier, but it seemed like perhaps she was in here alone with me. That may prove to be foolishness on her part.
"Let me explain your situation," she said. "You have already guessed you are on a ship at sea. We are outside sight of land, and there are no sails on the horizon. You are alone amongst your captors. There is no escape even if you flee this cabin."
I screamed at her. "You bitch!"
"If it seems you may actually cooperate, I will release you from the sack and remove the gag. Then we will talk. If you do not appear cooperative, I can go away until tomorrow. I imagine you would like to relieve yourself like a lady. I imagine you are thirsty. You may be hungry. I am willing to solve all these needs."
She let me think about it.
"If you would like me to remove you from the sack, say something at a polite volume."
"You bitch," I said, but I said it quietly.
She chuckled. "Would you like to try again. I understood what you said. Do you want me to release you from the sack?"
I didn't respond right away but finally said, "Yes."
"Ah, perhaps you will cooperate."
"I understand your anger and feeling of helplessness. Being trussed in the bag isn't helping with that, is it? Last chance to be polite. If I go away, I will not return until tomorrow. You will undoubtedly soil yourself. That will probably bring you a certain amount of embarrassment. Your choice."
It galled me to the bottom of my soul, but I spoke into the gag, "Please release me."
She patted my hip and began work, fumbling with the sack near my feet. It took her a moment, but I felt the mouth of the sack open. She began working the opening up my body. I wriggled this way and that to help her. Finally she pulled it from my head, and I felt relief from the suffocating, sweaty warmth of the sack.
She sat back down on the bed. "As you can guess, all your bonds are magicked. Well, except the sack. It was an ordinary, although somewhat large sack. I cast the spells on your bonds myself. Your guards were unhurt, although this may not have been good for their careers."
I didn't respond.
"You were carried to the ship without notice. The patrol was distracted. This was an exceedingly well planned operation. We were well at sea before your guards could possibly have woken up. There will be no pursuit."
I was so screwed.
"I do not say all this to frighten you. Indeed, I am trying to assure you of two things. First, we are not barbarians. We did not kill. We did not need to, and we didn't. However, you will not escape. Do you understand?"
Reluctantly, I nodded.
"Good. If I remove your gag, will you speak politely, by and large?"
I didn't respond.
"I can come back tomorrow. Or I can leave you like this for the entire voyage. It is your choice. Will you speak politely, by and large?"
Reluctantly, I nodded.
I felt her hands at the sides of my cheeks, then the gag relaxed, and she pulled it from my mouth.
"I am a princess of Norinia! You can't do this!"
"I know who you are, Princess Meorie. You are the Butcher of Kilara."
"We were in legitimate pursuit of the raiders who had just sacked Leeman, and your village was sheltering them."
"An argument you may share at your trial, Princess."
I didn't say anything. I wouldn't get a fair trial in Tendaria. We sat silently for a moment before I said, "This ship. It is the Ysura Martani?"
"Yes. The name means White Rider."
"And you are?"
"You already know. I am Dareena, captain of this vessel."
"What happened to the vaunted Tendarian honor? You came under a white flag to negotiate peace. Instead, you kidnaped a princess, ensuring war forever. You don't think my sister will realize what happened to me? You have no honor." I would have spat at her if I'd had any spit left to share.
"Meorie, your sister gave you to us. For peace."
"You lie!"
"I know you will feel betrayed. We can discuss this later. Should we perhaps see to the immediate needs?"
I was silent.
"I can leave you trussed like this. I will need to renew the magic on your bonds, probably every few days. This is no trouble for me. We can give you water and food if you remain verbally polite. Or we can leave you in here alone. If you are verbally abusive, I will replace the gag. Do you doubt my ability to do these things?"
"Would you like a demonstration of how easy it is to replace the gag, now that it knows you?"
"It would be no trouble at all," she said. "I don't mind providing a demonstration."
"You have won," I said. "I see that Tendarian honor includes taunting the condemned."
She was silent for a moment. "You are right. You have my apologies. I was ungracious."
Neither of us said anything for a minute or two. "Why am I still alive?"
"So that you may stand trial for your crimes."
"As if I will receive a fair trial."
"I vow you will receive a fair trial," she replied.
"Excuse me if I don't place much faith in your personal honor."
She hissed, and for a moment I thought she would replace the gag. I was a dead woman, anyway. What did I care anymore?
Then she stilled. "I can understand how it would appear that way to you," she said gently. "But you did volunteer."
"Excuse me? In what delusional state are you in to believe that?"
"Three nights ago during the peace talks. You stated quite clearly you would gladly give your life if it would ensure peace between our lands. I heard you. Your sister heard you. And we both believed you. Did you misspeak?"
"No, but how does kidnapping me ensure peace?"
"Your sister is holding a peace treaty, signed by both Queen Fridara of Tendaria and Queen Linara of Norinia. I have a copy. The treaty is conditional upon, amongst compromises on both sides, you standing trial in Rendarin for your role in the deaths at Kilara. You have helped to buy peace."
"I don't believe you."
"I am willing to show it to you later. Will you recognize your sister's signature?"
I didn't respond.
"Why not just kill me?"
"Because that wouldn't be justice. It might be revenge, but not justice. I personally promised your sister you would receive a fair trial. I keep my promises."
"If what you say is true, she is no longer my sister. I disown her." Again, I would have liked to have spit.
"I understand that you may feel that way," she said. "But she must be queen first and a sister second."
"She could have talked to me."
"Being allowed to take you this way was required. It will appease certain factions in Tendaria. If it's any consolation, she cried."
"It's not. I do not forgive either of you."
"I do not blame you. Shall we discuss your most immediate situation?"
I was silent.
"As discussed, I can leave you like this. It will be an unpleasant trip. You will arrive in the capital in a very undignified fashion."
"As if I care."
"You are a princess," she said. "I rather suspect you care quite a bit." She paused. "There are factions in Tendaria who would be very pleased to see you carried to your trial bound and gagged. But it is not fitting of a princess, and I would not wish it done that way."
"It's not like you can trust me if you untie me."
"I have something to show you. I can remove the blindfold. You will be tempted to lose your polite nature when you see it. I will forgive a brief outburst, but if you are exceptionally rude, I will replace all your bonds and leave you like this until tomorrow."
"You are a bitch," I told her.
She didn't respond immediately, then laughed. "You did agree to be polite, more or less. I guess that was the less part." She paused. "Your choice, Princess. I would rather give you dignity, but either way, you are going to Tendaria. You are standing trial. It is completely up to you."
"I will strive to remain polite for the next several minutes," I said. "On my honor."
"Excellent," she said. She reached for my head, and the blindfold fell away. I blinked in the light.
I was lying on my back, my arms and legs still trussed, and sitting on the bed, looking down at me, was an attractive woman with long, blonde hair, which she was wearing in a single braid. She was Captain Dareena, temporary ambassador from Tendaria, and daughter to Queen Fridara. I wasn't sure why she didn't call herself princess.
I looked around and saw that I was in a small ship's cabin.
"You have displaced the quartermaster," she said. "He didn't seem to mind."
"What did you want to show me?"
She opened a pouch at her waist and withdrew a heavy metal circlet. I realized it was a slave collar.
I stared at it.
"It is magic, of course," she said. "If you agree to wear it, you will be subject to my orders. You won't be able to disobey."
I looked away. "No. You could make me do anything."
"You understand these only work when the wearer agrees to them."
"I don't agree."
"And they fall off if the conditions expire."
She let me think about that.
"Do you believe me?" she asked.
"I don't know."
"The conditions are this. You will wear the collar until you are taken into custody at the palace in Rendarin. I will transport you by the most direct, practical route. I will not issue any orders to you that would cause you to act against Norinia. I will not issue orders to dishonor you."
I wasn't interested in her slave color. She could let me rot in the cabin.
"Princess Meorie, I would use the collar only to ensure your cooperation in delivering you to trial. I would prefer to treat you as a princess. I would not mistreat you. So you have a choice. You can accept the collar. You will then be allowed to relieve yourself and would have reasonable run of the ship. You would dine with me. Or I can leave you like you are now if you agree to remain verbally polite. Or your third choice is to become abusive, and I will replace the blindfold and gag. Those are your choices."
"How do I know you aren't lying about the slave collar?"
She took the collar, opened it, and placed it around her neck. "I agree to be bound to Princ
ess Meorie for the next five minutes or until she orders me to do something contrary to delivering her safely to Rendarin." There was a glow.
She looked at me. "Test it."
"Remove your tunic."
She immediately removed her tunic, setting it on the bed. I noticed casually she had a fine figure with pert breasts.
"Kiss my feet."
She bent down and kissed my boots.
"Release me."
The collar fell off. She caught it as it fell.
She put her tunic back on then looked at me. "Decide."
I looked away. She didn't rush me.
"I need to relieve myself," I told her.
"You may soil your clothes or wear the collar. Decide."
I had no intention of standing trial. If I could get up on deck, I could jump overboard. Drowning would be better than whatever circus they would have planned for me.
"Fine. I'll wear it."
She nodded then placed the collar around my neck. She told me what to say, and I said it. I felt the collar tighten around my neck and the magic invaded my mind. Dareena suddenly appeared far more attractive than she had, and I wanted nothing but to please her.
"Princess Meorie, you will make no attempt to escape my custody. You will make no attempt to hurt yourself or anyone else on this ship. You will obey the reasonable orders of the ship's officers. If you are given an unreasonable order, you will immediately present yourself to me. You will cooperate fully with my attempts to deliver you to the palace in Tendaria. You will remain polite to me as well as the officers and crew of this ship. Do you understand these orders?"
She smiled. "Welcome aboard, Princess." She reached down and released the bonds on my legs and arms then helped me to sit up. "You will share my cabin. Let us see to your most immediate needs."
A Ship Tour
"Follow," Dareena ordered. Meekly, I followed behind her, unable to do anything else. She showed me a chamber for relieving myself. I made use of it, and Dareena waited while I cleaned up for a moment afterwards.
I still stank from the sweat and fear. I was sure she would notice.