Paying the Price Page 9
The innkeeper led the way and we proceeded up the stairs and to a lavish room at the back of the inn. The two sailors carried my chest behind us and set it down in the room before departing. I didn't see what became of the rest.
Dareena and the innkeeper spoke some more then he departed, leaving Dareena and I in the room together. She dropped my hand but stepped close to me so she could speak quietly in my ear.
"We'll have baths shortly. Are you all right?"
I nodded. "Water."
"It's coming. A meal after the baths."
"What will we wear?"
"Your chest is here."
"I think all that is there is my dress. I can't travel in that. And it is distinctly of Norinian design."
"Your original tunic and breeches are there, too."
"What about you?"
"The innkeeper promised something, and Nuron promised more for both of us."
"Nuron is the old man?"
"Not so old, but yes. He is the port master here. He will check to see whether the Kilda More is sailing south soon. That's the merchant ship we saw. Otherwise he'll arrange horses or a coach. Ship would be faster."
"Will the sailors tell everyone who I am?"
"No," she said. "Everyone on the Ysura Martani was hand-picked, and they all know I need to get you to Rendarin."
"They were kind at the end," I said.
"They also know you saved my life when you didn't have to, and that you built the boat when you didn't have to."
"The could feel I did it to save my own life."
"They know you believe you are going to your own execution. They are impressed with devotion to duty. They aren't going to watch you torn apart by a mob when you could be torn apart when drawn and quartered instead."
I pulled away from her.
"I'm sorry," she said quietly, chasing after me. "That was in poor taste."
"I can make jokes about it, but it's extremely cruel for you to do so."
"I know," she said. "I'm sorry."
"We are not friends. I am your prisoner, nothing more." I pulled away from her again and went to the chest, kneeling down in front of it. I opened it and was surprised that everything still looked clean and dry. I withdrew tunic, breeches, and under clothing, then closed the lid again. Then I examined the room.
There was one large, ornate bed, with a beautiful blue bedspread. At the other end of the room was a sitting arrangement with a sofa, two chairs, and a coffee table between them. The sofa looked comfortable. The chairs did not. Along one wall was a wash stand with a bowl and a pitcher, but when I looked into them, they were empty. There was a dresser and a door that led to a closet. I looked out the windows into an attractive courtyard in the back of the inn. It looked like it was set up for a few couples to have a meal and others to go for a stroll.
"This is an expensive inn," I said.
Dareena hushed me and walked over. "Someone is going to hear you. The maid is going to be along any moment."
"Sorry," I said quietly. "I won't make another mistake like that. What story are you giving about me?"
"We have a wager going that requires you to remain silent to win. You are allowed to talk only to me and only when no one else can hear."
"Unusual wager."
"You're normally such a blabbermouth, I bet you couldn't make it all the way to the capital without talking. If you make it all the way to being presented to the queen, you win." She paused. "If not, we all lose."
"I understand. And the collar?"
"Some silly custom of your family's. It's an ugly piece of jewelry, but you refuse to take it off until we're properly married."
"So we're to be married."
"You will look so darling in white."
I stared at her. "You're doing it again. I am your prisoner, not your friend."
"Of course."
We separated again. I stood at the windows, staring out at the courtyard. There was a knock, then the door opened. I ignored it. Dareena spoke to someone with a female voice, then she stepped up beside me and took my hand, speaking quietly to me in Tendarian. She began pulling me towards the door, and I grabbed my dry clothing as we went past the bed.
The maid led us to another room on the same floor. When we stepped in, I saw we were in a bath. There were two copper tubs, each filled with steaming water. A second maid was waiting. The door closed, and the two maids approached us, one to each of us. Mine took the clothing from my hands and set them aside, then she began undressing me. The other maid was undressing Dareena.
Once my clothing was off, my maid reached for the collar around my neck, but Dareena spoke sharply, startling the maid, then spoke more softly. She nodded then took my hand and led me to a shower in the corner of the room. I eyed it dubiously but stepped in.
When the maid reached for the chain, I was expecting to be deluged by frigid water, so I gritted my teeth and vowed not to make a sound. The water was cold, but not frigid. The maid doused me well, and I did what I could to rinse my hair as well.
I stepped out and Dareena stepped in behind me. She yelped at the cold water. I smiled sweetly at her then allowed my maid to draw me to one of the tubs. Holding her hand to steady myself, I stepped into the tub, then lowered myself into the water.
I moaned in pleasure but managed to avoid any words.
The maids bathed us. I let mine do whatever she wanted to me, and she was very good. She left my more personal regions for me to wash myself, but she took care of everything else. I adjusted as necessary so she could wash me. She did my hair last, and it took several cleanings.
While she was bathing me, I wondered if this was the last kindness I would ever receive.
I ignored Dareena, but from the sounds she was making, I gathered she was enjoying her bath as much as I was enjoying mine.
Once we were clean, the maids left us to soak for a while. I closed my eyes and dozed, not waking until my maid was back, touching my arm. I glanced over to see Dareena being helped out of her tub by the other maid.
I let mine help me out of the tub then stood still while she dried me. She dressed me in my under things, then pulled a chair over for me to sit in while she dried my hair with several towels. She spent quite some time brushing the snarls out as gently as she could. Then she stood me back up and finished dressing me.
I glanced over, and Dareena was being treated in the same fashion I was. The innkeeper had found clothes that fit her, more or less, although they were not as fine as mine. I was now dressed in the clothing I had been wearing when I had been kidnapped. It wasn't pressed and had been left folded in the chest for several days, but the clothes were clean and dry and of the quality I typically wore when out on the town for an evening.
Dareena's clothing was more in keeping with a member of the merchant class or an innkeeper's daughter. But it fit and was pressed, so it was a toss up which of us was better dressed.
One of the maids collected our old clothes and spirited them away. The other led us back to our room. Both Dareena and I were barefoot. As soon as we got to the room, I went to my chest. There were two pair of fine dress shoes, which of course I couldn't wear, but there was also a pair of low boots. I sat down and pulled them on.
Dareena talked to the maid for a moment longer then closed the door on her then she crossed the room to me. "So, are you planning on executing me via dehydration?"
She smiled and spoke quietly. "The maid is finding a pair of shoes for me, then we will go down for a meal. You may have all the water you want, or wine if you prefer."
She nodded.
I stood up and went to the window, staring outside.
It didn't take long for everything to catch up to me. I tried counting back the days to my last happy moment. It was the night I had been kidnapped. I had met with friends. We had a nice dinner and exchanged gossip until late. One of my friends announced her parents were trying to talk her into a marriage, but she wasn't sure she cared for the man they had c
hosen. Still, she seemed happy to talk about it, and I'd been happy for her.
Then I'd been kidnapped, and my world had crashed around me.
I thought again of how my sister had betrayed me, and I felt the tears begin to slide down my cheeks.
I ignored the bustle at the door.
Dareena walked up behind me and took my arm, trying to pull me after her. I tugged away from her, staring out the window. She took my arm and pulled again, this time using enough force I was turned to face her. She saw the tears and her smile faltered. "Ohh," she said.
She looked over her shoulder and said something to the maid, and the girl disappeared, closing the door.
Dareena tried to pull me into a hug, but I pushed her away. She was nearly the last person on the planet I wanted comfort from. She looked hurt by it.
"Don't look at me like that," I said quietly, my voice catching. "This is your fault as much as my sister's. You are not my friend, and you are not forgiven."
I turned back to the window, staring outside for another minute, then dried my tears and pulled myself erect. I turned to face her. "Let's go, I guess."
She nodded and took my hand. I pulled away from her. "Stop it," I hissed. "Every time you touch me the collar gives me little waves of pleasure. I don't want them. I will follow like a docile little prisoner."
She nodded and led the way from the room, I followed.
She led the way downstairs. The innkeeper met us and led us to a table. I grabbed Dareena's arm and pointed to the back of the inn. I would have liked to sit outside. She ignored me and sat at the table the innkeeper had provided.
I sat down opposite her.
Dareena exchanged words with the innkeeper. He stepped away, smiling, and a serving maid stopped by with goblets and poured water for us. I drank mine immediately and held it out to her. She refilled it with a smile then waited to see if I would consume a second glass. I drank part of it and set it on the table. She topped mine off and refilled Dareena's before stepping away.
Dareena chattered at me, but of course I didn't understand a word, so I gave her a dirty look and ignored her. Dareena continued to chatter away as if I understood what she was saying.
I hoped she choked on her food.
I tried to think of something productive, something that wouldn't reduce me to tears again. I couldn't think of a single thing. So I looked down at the table and counted the rings of the wood grain.
Food came. It was some sort of stew, and there was a loaf of bread. I stared at it, and a lump formed in my throat.
I had a serious case of self-pity going and no idea how to break out of it.
I managed to eat some of the food, choking it down past the lump in my throat. Dareena tried several times to get my attention, but I stared at my plate, ignoring her and everything else around me as best I could.
Once I had eaten some of the food, my body relaxed. I was starving. We hadn't had any food that day. I drank a lot of water, and the serving maid stopped past several times to refill my glass.
I finished the food, wiping the last of the juices with a bit of bread, then stared into my mug of water.
Dareena's tone was gentle, but I was disappointed she hadn't choked on her food.
I briefly toyed with the idea of standing up and loudly proclaiming who I was. I wondered how quickly the mob would kill me. I looked around the room, judging who was there. In a corner was a table of four men who were clearly soldiers. Another table held a group of women. One table held a young couple. Another held a couple of merchant men. Sitting alone at the bar were several rough-looking men of indeterminate origin.
Dareena must have figured out what I was contemplating. She spoke very low but said in Norinian, "It might bring you peace, but it won't bring peace."
I looked at her and nodded once.
I realized my only choice was to accept whatever was to happen. I had no control over matters. It wasn't my nature to surrender in that fashion, and I wondered if that was the worst, knowing I had absolutely no control over the situation, that nothing I did mattered.
I hadn't noticed him approach, but the old man, the port master Nuron, pulled up a chair and sat down at our table. He spoke in an animated fashion with Dareena. She smiled broadly and looked excited and exceedingly pleased. She talked to me, clearly trying to get me to show some excitement at whatever news Nuron had brought, but I was sure anything she found as good news was more bad news for me. I smiled wanly but kept my thoughts to myself.
Nuron and Dareena talked for a few more minutes, then he rose from his seat and departed. I watched him go.
I went back to counting the wood grain of the table in front of us. Dareena talked excitedly. I gave her a look that tried to say, "Whatever."
She got up and reached for me. I rose to my feet and stepped away from her, then followed along behind her as she led the way back to our room. Once we were there, I stepped past her to the wash stand. There was water now. I washed up from dinner.
Dareena stepped up to me and said quietly, "The Kilda More wasn't scheduled to leave for several days, but her captain has agreed to leave tonight. He has been impressed with the urgency of my return to Rendarin. Nuron is sending someone to collect your chest. He is sending clothes and fresh footware to us on the ship."
I looked around. My boots were gone. "My boots? The clothes we were wearing?"
"They're in the laundry. I'll try to get them sent to the ship before we sail." She paused. "We'll be in Rendarin by this time tomorrow."
"Excellent, then my execution can by done by midnight tomorrow."
I turned away from her.
"I told you," she said. "There will be a fair trial."
"That should take at least ten minutes."
"They will need to assemble the witnesses. Send out notices. I will need time to build a defense. The trial won't begin for several weeks and will undoubtedly last several weeks."
I turned and stared at her. "Why? The verdict is predetermined. Why do you need this sham?"
"It's not a sham."
"Dragging it out is more cruelty. We both know what is going to happen. Why do you continue to act as if it's anything but what it is?"
"I vowed a fair trial."
"There is no way I can possibly receive a fair trial within the borders of Tendaria. It is not humanly possible."
I turned away from her again.
"It will be as fair as we can make it, then."
"Because you deserve justice."
I turned back to face her. "Do you really believe that is what is going to happen?"
"Of course."
"You must be the most naive woman I have ever met. I am not going to receive justice. I am going to receive vengeance, and anyone who pretends this is anything different is lying to herself. I suppose it makes you feel better. You'll be able to sleep at night. I received justice. It was just to kidnap me. It was just to engage in treachery to bring me here. It was just to stage a mock trial. It was just to execute me. I was twenty-three years old doing the best I could, and in the four years since, not one single person has told me what I should have done differently. They only have told me what I shouldn't have done."
I turned my back on her. "Believe what you will. This is not justice, and you will never convince me it is. It is treachery and vengeance. The sooner you admit that to yourself, the sooner it can all be over."
After that I refused to respond to her but stood staring out the window into the courtyard below. She tried talking to me, but I shrugged her off, and eventually she gave up.
We waited about an hour before there was a knock at the door. I ignored it and the resulting bustle. Then Dareena was at my shoulder and said very quietly, "Princess, it is time to leave."
I turned around and followed her obediently.
I didn't speak a single word during the voyage. It took all my concentration to ignore Dareena's excitement. She was com
ing home victorious, her prisoner in tow, and would be the architect of peace. She had a right to be so happy, but it was at my expense, and I couldn't be happy with her.
The ship's captain had given us his cabin for the voyage, and that is where I spent the entire trip. I didn't see as we left Terini and I didn't see as we entered Rendarin. But I felt as the ship pulled up next to the wharf, and I heard the sounds one would hear in any port city in the world.
I ignored all of it, but I turned to my chest and pulled out my dress. I looked through the chest and found everything else I would need. There was a small mirror, so I did my makeup and adjusted my hair. It was pitiful by court standards, but I had always had maids when I needed them.
Then I stepped out of my clothes and struggled with the dress. I didn't shrug off Dareena's help. She got me into the dress and did up the laces for me. Then she retrieved shoes for me and helped me into them.
I examined myself in the mirror. I looked terrible, but I could stand tall, as I was doing the best anyone else would under similar circumstances. I turned to Dareena.
"You owe me."
"Will you give me the dignity of removing the collar?"
She looked away.
"I saved your life. I could have let you drown. You couldn't have made the boat without my help. I cooperated, knowing what is to happen to me. You owe me."
"I'm sorry. I can't."
"What am I possibly going to do? The amulet suppressed my magic. I have no weapons. I'm wearing a dress and shoes that let me move no faster than a slow walk. You could use your magic to bind the shoes in place. I couldn't get three steps without you catching me."
"There are factions that do not want peace. You need to arrive as my prisoner. The collar represents that. The factions may be appeased seeing you in a slave collar. I am sorry."
"Yes, your show must go on."
I turned away from her and didn't address her again.
A short while later there was a knock on the cabin door, then it opened. Dareena exchanged words with the ship's captain, then she walked up to me and said quietly, "It is time to go."